7 High Vibration Habits That Will Raise Your Vibe 

Elevate your vibe with simple habits! Dive into deep breathing, mindfulness, journaling, diet changes, and nature connection for a happier, healthier you.

habits to raise your vibe

I know what it’s like to sink so low that you feel you may never have another moment of happiness.

You feel weak, pathetic, and physically drained. You feel like you’ve lost a part of yourself. Like the world sucks and you’d rather not be a part of it.

Suffering’s like that. It’s painful. It’s overwhelming. But it’s also a lifeboat and you’re drowning.

It gives you a good shake and a few healthy slaps in the face.

It’s a wake-up call from life, giving you two options.

Continue your current lifestyle and suffer.

Or, change your habits and begin to dig yourself out of the hole.

Change is tough. Being consistent with your new habits is the real challenge.

It requires effort and will. It demands an open heart and a clear mind. And, it’s your responsibility; nobody else’s.

But know this.

“If you think you can do it, you can.” ~ John Burroughs

Here are the some of the most vibe-boosting habits that will keep you elevated.

habits to raise your vibe

Breathe slowly to calm the mind

Slow, long, and deep breathing is the most simple yet most empowering habit there is. It requires one thing:


Once you place your attention on your breath, you’ll see that it automatically slows, lengthens, and deepens.

Take the time to close your eyes throughout the day and focus on your breath.

Your mind begins to relax. Your racing thoughts slow to a light jog. You feel physically lighter and more in tune with your emotions. The stress, anxiety, and worry melt away like an ice cube on a summer day.

Now, you’ve brought yourself to the perfect place to make calm decisions, receive intuitive ideas, and happily exist without breaking down into a cold sweat.

Practice mindful movement

Be present while in motion.

Whatever exercise routine you choose, do your best to concentrate on the physical sensations of that moment rather than on thoughts trying to pull you into the past or push you into the future.

If you’re running or jogging, feel the ground connect with your foot on each stride.

If you’re doing a sit-up, squeeze your abs and concentrate on the tightening muscle.

Or, if you’re swimming, become aware of your hands pushing the water behind you.

Synchronize a rhythmic breathing pattern with each exercise, and you’ll be flowing through your workout like a smooth sax solo at a jazz club on Friday night.

You can also use systemized energy practices like yoga and QiGong that combine rhythmic breath, concentration, and movement to get into a flow.

Keep moving, observe your breath, and find a way to get your reps in.

“The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.” ~ Tony Robbins

Write down your thoughts and feelings

The paper is your therapist. Flood it with your pent-up thoughts and emotions, like water exploding through a cracked dam.

This gets the crap that’s inside your head out of your head. With the crap now outside, you can transform the internal space into a peaceful lake surrounded by willow trees and wildflowers.

Systematize your journaling process by asking yourself specific questions and seeing how your responses change over time.

How did I succeed today?” “In what ways can I continue to grow?”

“What were some of my thoughts, and in which situations did they arise?” “How can I alter my thinking to achieve a different result?”

“How did my emotions influence my actions?” “How did I feel as a result?”

Mental Health Journal

Even if you’re just jotting down random thoughts and to-do lists, it will quiet the mental rumination and give you more peace of mind.

Play mind games

Speaking of the mind…

You are what you think.

Become aware of your thoughts. Are they self-critical? Are they negative? If so, make a change.

Speak affirmations

“I choose to live my life in the present moment.”

“I’m at peace with a future filled with uncertainty.”

“I am love, and I am light.”

Play the “Love Game”

The rules are simple. You walk around and mentally send love and compliments to anyone who passes by.

“I love this guy with the ripped jeans and shades rocking a Led Zeppelin t-shirt. He is one cool cat. I bless him with eternal love and through-the-roof vibrations to keep him on that natural high all day long.”

The more detail you include, the more effective the energy transfer.

Do you want love in your life? Think it, express it, be it, receive it.

Visualize success

Whatever success means to you, whether it’s a promotion at work, a happy marriage, or inner peace, picture it in your mind’s eye.

Use sensory detail to bring the picture to life.


Let the sensations become a part of you. Feel the ecstasy of success in every cell of your body.

“Remember, you’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.” ~ Louise Hay

Change your diet

I’m not saying you have to drop everything and become vegan. All I’m saying is that whoever first said, “You are what you eat,” was speaking truth.

Cut out the processed foods, fast foods, or any food that contains wild ingredients like propylene glycol or butylated hydroxyanisole.

Stick to natural things that grow from the earth or hang from a tree. Your physical and mental health will improve drastically.

Every time you choose an apple over a bag of chips, you win.

Give thanks before grabbing that apple. Eat it slowly and consciously. Help your stomach and chew it to completion.

balanced diet chart

Form a relationship with what you consume. Try growing your own food or buying it from a local farmer who avoids using pesticides and herbicides.

What you eat and how you eat it affects your vibration. Intuitively, which sounds like the higher vibrational choice: a colorful fruit salad or a take-out burger with fries and secret sauce?

Connect with nature

It’s incredible what a short walk through the woods can do for your mental health. A few long, deep breaths of crisp, clean air and you’re back in tune with life.

Take your shoes off and feel the earth’s energy shoot through the soles of your feet.

Dive into that river or lake and bathe your body under the sun’s healing rays.

Hug a tree and absorb its high frequency vibrations.

Nature is healing. The more you observe its beauty, the calmer you feel.

You can smile knowing that you’re a part of it. There’s an incredible sense of relief when you see all living beings as part of your family. There’s no need to feel lonely when you’re one with all this natural beauty.

“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.” ~ Albert Einstein

Find a creative outlet to transfer your imagination into physical form

If there was one purpose in life it would be to create.

When you manifest a mental image into the physical world you become a magician. Suddenly, new ideas and possibilities you never before considered come alive.

Like an epic game of hide and seek, life becomes an exciting adventure.

Creating a piece of writing, art, or music is a spiritual and therapeutic experience.

The act of creating connects you with The Creator of the universe. As a mini creator, you’re taking your inner universe and vomiting vibrant strokes of brilliance into the outer realm.

All those deep emotions and buried thoughts become valuable expressions of motivation, love, and passion for life; a sure way to raise your vibe and the vibes of those witnessing your brilliance.

In the comment section below, share your powerful vibe-raising techniques!

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