Inspirational Stories with Moral – The Black Balloon (Story # 21)

The conversation between the balloon seller and little boy will force you to rethink how do we look at the things around us. So, lets go through this powerful story which is full of positivity.

Inspirational Story with moral

Inspirational Stories with moral are part of life. These inspirational short stories are part of all the cultures across the geographical boundaries.  Such Inspiring stories communicates very strong message in extremely simple language, which make a impact on your mindset and way of thinking. The learning from short stories make you to see the things from different perspective. This changes your life altogether. Since, stories with moral plays such a critical role in our life, we are covering such stories on Invajy in the series of Motivational and inspirational short stories about life. Today we will cover a story about a little boy and a balloon seller – The Black Balloon.

The conversation between the balloon seller and little boy will force you to rethink how do we look at the things around us. So, lets go through this powerful story which is full of positivity.

Inspirational stories with moral – The Black Balloon (Story # 21)

There was a man who made his living selling balloons at a beach. He was center of attraction for the small kids, who were coming to beach along with their families to spend the quality time.  The balloon seller used to sell balloons of many different colors, including red, yellow, blue, orange, pink, violet and green. He knew how well the different colors attract the children.

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Whenever the business used to get slow, he had a wonderful strategy to boost his sales. What the balloon seller used to do is to release a helium-filled balloon into the air. When the children saw the colorful balloon go up, they all wanted one. They would come up to him with parents, buy a balloon and his sales would go up. All day, he continued to release a balloon whenever sales were slow.

One day, when his balloon sales were low, he adopted the same strategy. He released a helium-filled blue colored balloon into the air. As expected, the balloon man felt someone tugging at his jacket. He turned around and found a little boy smiling towards him.

The balloon seller asked him, “Which color balloon do you want?” The innocent little boy looked towards helium-filled balloon into the air and asked with a curiosity , “If you release a black balloon, will that also fly?” Moved by the cute little boy’s concern, the balloon man replied gently, “My dear son, it is not the color of the balloon, it is what’s inside that makes it go up.”

Inspirational Story with moral

Moral of the Inspirational Short Story

If you try to analyze and correlate this short story, the same principle applies to our lives: It’s what’s inside that counts. Your inner beliefs, core values and principles, personality, character and attitude which defines how successful you will be in life.

Do you know, among these what’s the core inner or inside characteristic of us which accelerates our velocity to go up? That is our attitude. Yes, our attitude is most important; it applies to every sphere of life, including professional as well as personal life. The great part of attitude is that we can design our lives by changing our attitudes of mind.

It’s inner beauty that counts not the outer one. The caste, skin color or religion does not matter in success. People may show off and manipulate their outer presence and behavior, but if they are not positive from inside, they will not go up high in life. Always remember – You are made to fly high.  If you have positive attitude and optimistic approach towards life, you will definitely achieve you goals and get success in life.

“It is your attitude, not your aptitude, that will determine your altitude” ~ Zig Ziglar ( More Zig Ziglar Quotes)

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