Brain Fog

How to reduce Brain Fog and increase Mental Clarity?

Everyone now a day uses computers and smart phones. You will find that sometimes few programs run in the background and increase the load on the memory card. Due to this device gets hanged and it becomes difficult for them to work normal. Your brain also work in a similar way, ongoing anxiety and stress are those programs that run in the background and use up tons of memory and make everything else run slowly. You experience a cloudy-headed feeling and your mind gets stuck. This condition is often described as mental fog or brain fog. Everyone goes through these cycles that cause varying levels of mental clarity. In this article we will discuss about how to reduce brain fog and increase mental clarity.

What is Brain Fog?

If your thoughts feel fuzzy, slow or tired, you likely have brain fog. It’s a condition of deteriorating mental clarity that’s more common than you might think. It’s actually your brain’s way of telling you that something isn’t optimal. In simpler words Brain fog can be described as problems with focus, memory, logic, and problem solving. It affects your ability to think.

Symptoms of Brain Fog

Here are the symptoms of Brain Fog, you might experience

  • Forgetfulness
  • Trouble bringing words to mind
  • A gray mood
  • Physical or mental exhaustion or low energy or fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Headaches
  • Lack of focus and mental clarity
  • Trouble putting thoughts together
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Lack of ideas
  • Lack of motivation and interest in the things you’d usually do
  • Thoughts that seem hazy or difficult to grasp
  • Rarely noticing your surroundings
  • Being unable to retain your attention during conversations
  • An inability to multitask

Brain Fog

Causes of Brain Fog

Brain fog is typically caused by a lifestyle that promotes hormonal imbalances and is exacerbated by stress. Here are the other causes of Brain Fog

Increased daily stress

  • Depression
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
  • Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation
  • Hormonal changes
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Medications or drugs uses
  • Nutrient deficiencies like Vitamin B-12
  • Electromagnetic radiation due to more use of laptops, smart phone and tablets.
  • Age-related health changes
  • Exposure to Viruses like COVID-19

How to reduce Brain Fog?

Brain fog can be frustrating, but relief is possible. Living with mental fog doesn’t have to become your new version of normal. Here are the tips and strategies on how to reduce brain fog and increase mental clarity.

Brain Fog

1. Exercise Routine

Daily exercise can be extremely useful to reduce brain fog. Your mind and body go hand in hand. When your body is at rest, so is your mind. Getting active and moving body causes the brain to go into overdrive and release adrenalin into the blood. When adrenalin and energy are delivered to the brain, memory is typically enhanced. You can include a exercise session in your morning rituals.

2. Get More Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial in combatting brain fog, as it allows time for the brain to clean out toxins. It’s like having the streets cleaned at nighttime when there’s no traffic on them. Sleep deprivation drains your energy and your brain does not feel fresh. Successive nights with little or no sleep aggravate the brain fog.


Increase the quantity and enhance the quality of your sleep. Focus on going to bed early and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. Ensure having at least 7 hours sleep a day. But aim for 8-9 hours when possible for optimal brain function.

3. Explore New Things

The brain can get trapped in a rut when there is nothing new happening. Try adding activities to your weekly schedule to freshen things up.

You may join hobby classes a club. Increase your social interactions and have more personal visits to friends and relatives. Try something creative like painting, writing, coloring, dancing, cooking, or baking. Anything outside of your daily routine will broaden your horizons and improve your mental wellness.

You may go for outings and even plan for vacations on hills. This will help you to defeat the brain fog and increase mental clarity.

4. Unplug

Reduce your screen time. Unplug and try to put your smart phone down for a few hours a day. Try to use laptops or computer for a lesser period of time. Doing this you will be reducing the exposure to electromagnetic radiation, which one of the cause of brain fog.

Not only this, your brain will also not get inundated with unnecessary information from the news, social media, and emails flooding your smartphone.

5. Cognitive Simulations

Try cognitive stimulations, like puzzles, mind games, interactive videos, crosswords, brain training apps, or learning a new language. These gonna help you to increase your mental clarity and help you reducing brain fog.

Cognitive Skills

6. Diet changes

When you don’t eat enough healthy fats, the brain uses itself for fuel. To keep your brain healthy and to get rid of brain fog eat a diet high in monounsaturated fats, plant protein, whole grains, wild salmon, eggs, and grass-fed meat and fish.

Keep your alcohol and caffeine intake low. Drink plenty of water to keep your body and brain hydrated.

7. Take More Breaks

Brain fog is often a sign that you’re overwhelmed, exhausted, or stressed. It’s a little warning signal from your brain to slow down or take a break. If you’re working more than your fair share of hours; take a break. Taking regular breaks from whatever tasks could be causing exhaustion help you reducing the mental fatigue. Stepping away from a task and taking a break can substantially improve your performance, focus, and degree of self-control.

Please do not start browsing social media and using your smartphone in such breaks.  During these breaks, you can try meditation, taking a power nap, calling a friend or family member, taking a short walk, doing something creative or going outdoors.

8. Avoid multitasking

Multitasking is one of the leading causes of brain fog or scrambled thinking. For a clearer mind, try focusing on one thing at a time. Multitasking can drain your energy and lower your productivity, especially if you’re trying to do two activities that require conscious thought. Instead, try focusing on one thing at a time.

9. Meditation

Meditation is one of the best strategy to reduce brain fog. Mindful Meditation helps to relax your mind and body. When you meditate, you calm the mind, and you slow down the perpetual cycle of thoughts that can make it difficult to see straight. Meditation also reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, which are three of the most common causes of brain fog and lack of mental clarity.

Meditation Benefits

If these hacks aren’t helpful, then it’s best to speak with your doctor or healthcare professional.

That’s all from my side. I hope, you liked this article on mental health. Please share this on your favorite social media portals with your friends and relatives.

(Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. Before adopting preventive methods/measures/treatment, please seek medical advice)

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