bring the change

How to manage change in life?

Change is growth. The only thing constant in this world is change. We desire a lot of outcomes in life; but we don’t want to accept change; be it a relationship, a habit, a lifestyle or a health issue. You will always find something that’s begging for change in your life. In this article, I am going to share with you helpful tips and strategies for personal change management. It will enable you to gracefully accept and manage changes or uncertainties of your life.

Personal Change Management

What is Personal Change management?

Personal Change management is basically the science, or possibly art, of managing yourself and others during a period of change. It’s preparedness towards known and known changes which are about to come in your life.

Personal Change management tips and strategies

Here are some helpful tips and strategies of personal change management in your life. Personal Change Management is a crucial part of overall happiness index of your life.

Come out of comfort zone

Change means unknown or uncertainty, unknown or uncertainty means discomfort and discomfort means pain. It’s not every one’s cup of tea to come out of comfort zone and see the happiness existing behind that virtual pain. We want freedom in life but we are not able to generate the escape velocity to come out of our comfort zone. Embrace the change; interestingly when we learn to accept the change-we start enjoying the change process – we chose to look uncertainty as adventure – then we open the doors of receiving all the rewards of change. We start to grow in life. Change is an opportunity for learning and people always grow by learning.

Personal Change Management

Replace “should” with “must”

One needs to take firm decision to make change in life. Most of the parts of the life we feel unhappy, unsatisfied, unhealthy and unfulfilled. We always think that we should change this – we should change that. The problem exists with thinking, replace “should” with “must” for bringing the change. Most of the changes in life are forced one. We never change until we feel it on your nerve-endings, until we are compelled to take action. Once our shoulds have turned into musts, then we are ready for change.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  ~ Albert Einstein

Respond instead of reacting

Learn about how to respond towards change instead of reacting.

Let’s talk a little bit about the difference between responding to change and reacting to it. A reaction is how you feel at the moment of the change. It’s immediate, it’s instinctive, and it happens before you’re able to think about how to process things. Responding, on the other hand, is a conscious choice you make.

react or Respond

You may like to read a separate article ion this >>> Do you react or respond?

Accept the Change

Believe me it takes much more energy and effort to resist change than it does to accept it. Change looks scary and uncomfortable only when you look at it that way.

All of us have been reluctant to change at some point of time in life on certain issues, out of those we must have changed on few issues. Let’s do an exercise.

Personal Change Management

Take out your note book and start writing the incidents of life, when you had to change out of the forced situations and analyze the outcome of those changes.

Are you surprised ?? Most of them have positive outcomes in our life and you did not look back.

Things don’t last forever. When things change around you, you have to change too. By changing you learn to be more flexible in your approach to life and also help you to become a more accepting and tolerant person.

Be flexible and open

Sometimes you know in advance that change is about to come and sometimes change comes out of blues. People find the changes which arises from circumstances are difficult to deal with.  Always try to be flexible and open to change. Knowing that change can occur at any time helps you accept and adjust to it when it does happen. Even though most of us prefer to settle into comfortable zones, always realize that your present routine may only be a temporary.

Skill enhancement helps personal change management

Learning new skills or skill enhancement helps a lot in personal change management. You must look at the change as an opportunity to grow with it. When you equip you with new knowledge, skills and competencies, your self-esteem and self-confidence boots up. You are more prepared to manage the change. So, move ahead with a growth mindset and learn new things.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Remind yourself that change is a part of life

Realize the fact that you’re always evolving, once you remind yourself that change is integral part or life, you can stop getting so surprised every time change comes knocking!

Look around you; every day we come across different types of changes. Nature continues to change seasons, turning day into night, night into a day, rising and setting of sun and moon, planets changing their locations and flowers bloom and then wither away, everywhere there is a change. Changes and shifts will keep happening in your life. Instead of becoming unbreakable or rigid, try to become flexible or super bendy, like a tree with deep roots and branches that bend and flap in the wind.

Change is Constant. Change in life is inevitable. Instead of having fear or trying to avoid it, your best course of action will be to accept it, have full confidence, move ahead and allow it to be a positive and constructive force in your life.

Thank you for reading this. Over to you now, I have mentioned the list of techniques or tips which are most important for personal change management. I would like to know your experiences and list of tips which you feel can work better with managing personal change in life. Please add your valuable comments, they are much appreciated.

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