How Reading Motivational and Inspirational Stories Boost Mental Health?

Reading motivational and inspirational stories boosts mental health by providing hope, perspective, and encouragement. These stories offer positive reinforcement, reduce stress, and enhance resilience.

boost your mental health

Ask a bookworm about their best buddy and they would proudly say, “BOOKS”! Indeed, true. Individuals who are keen about reading books or literature often have a different positive mindset, perception and even charisma. And, why not? Reading books brings various benefits to the human mind. People who love reading always have special love towards stories. Motivational and inspirational stories boost mental health.

We lose ourselves in books; we find ourselves there too!

Stories and parables plays a crucial role right from the childhood. Take a minute and set your life for a moment to “rewind”. What gave you utmost happiness during your school days, other than playing? Storybooks, isn’t it? For most of the students, the library is their favorite spot in their school as it allows them to live their imagination and gives them the most happiness.


Further, various studies have proved that reading books boost the mental health of humans. According to Cristel Russell, a researcher at American University, reading about characters going through a tough time might bring up the reader’s past and help them deal unsolved conflicts through healthy or non-healthy ways. This proves that reading stories or books is great mental therapy in itself.

Let us know more about how books and stories improve our mental health.

Stories and books improve brain power

Reading books regularly increase your brain power while making you smarter. Reading books acts as a good workout for your mind just like a daily jog is for your body. Also, reading books regularly slows down the process of memory loss that comes with the age keeping your mind sharper for longer. According to a report published in The Huffington Post, regular brain exercise was able to lower mental loss by 32 percent. So, whatever be your age, just pick up a book and keep your brain active for long.

Stories make you more mentally flexible

Ever read a story and tried longer to understand the hidden lesson behind it? Books, poems or stories that require the reader to question has shown to cause unimaginable changes to their brain activity patterns. According to a study, reading complex texts showed increase activity in crucial brain areas in their brain scan report. Hence, the study proved that reading texts that question the minds of readers boost mental flexibility, which further allows them to adapt to their thoughts and behavior to budding situations. Such people are more likely to look out for better solutions to their situations.

Daily habits that will change your life

Stories can make you more compassionate

When you read books you often put imagine as the hero of the story. Isn’t it true? They take you to their world where you can feel what all they are going through and with other characters in the story. Motivational or literary stories help you understand the mind of people around. They can comprehend their thinking and feel emotions better. Stories make you more compassionate.

Reading can help prevent dementia & stress

Since reading is a great brain-stimulating activity, it helps ward off mental conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s. Several studies have shown that reading can bring health benefits of inner calm and deep relaxation just like meditation. It has been also seen that readers who read books regularly can sleep better, have higher self-esteem, lower stress levels and fewer chances of depression than those who don’t read.

Reading stories helps your brain grow faster

You might even know or have experienced this! Reading books helps you learn new things making your brain more intelligent. When you read a book, you come across new words, concepts and ideologies that help you learn new things frequently. You also get a better hold on the language you are reading a book in.

Today’s takeaway isn’t something that needs to be told. All you readers are intelligent enough to understand it…because you too are READING.

So, when are you picking up your next book for a powerful brain massage?

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One Comment

  1. It sure was nice when you said that reading can make you feel what others are going through and can help you feel emotions better. With this in mind, I will try to find good blogs that I can read so I can connect to more people around me. Maybe, I can start reading about homelessness to better understand how people survive and to help me find a way to help in my own little ways. Thanks for sharing this.

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