Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that may occur after witnessing or experiencing a traumatic incident.
PTSD can develop after any event where a person feels a sense of danger, even when there’s no imminent threat. Some causes of PTSD can include natural disasters, near-death experiences, mass violence, physical violence or abuse, or serious medical events.
If you live with PTSD, you may constantly experience an elevated “fight, flight, or freeze” response, even from the slightest trigger.
A trigger generally occurs when you encounter a sound, place, feeling, or anything else related to the event. This could be:
- a loud noise (triggering memories of gunshots or parents fighting)
- a childhood bedroom (triggering memories of abuse)
- being alone in your apartment (triggering memories of unsafety and helplessness as a child)
Symptoms of PTSD can look different from person to person. This can include:
- intrusion symptoms such as flashbacks
- constant avoidance
- changes in moods and thoughts
- reactivity symptoms such as being hyperalert or vigilant about your surroundings
If you think you’re experiencing PTSD, there is hope. PTSD is not a lifelong sentence. Consider reaching out to a mental health professional to learn coping strategies and how to manage your symptoms.
This brief, time-saving questionnaire is designed for anyone who thinks they may be experiencing symptoms of PTSD.
This online screening is not a definitive tool. It is not designed to diagnose PTSD or take the place of a professional diagnosis.
Only a trained medical professional, such as a doctor or mental health professional, can help you determine the next best steps for you.